
7th International Conference on

Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security

(AIMS 2013)

June 25-28, 2013, UPC Barcelona, Spain


Location:  UPC Campus Nord, Module C3, 2nd floor, room 204

Tuesday June 25, 2013

C3 Hall

(11.00: Coffee break)
C3 Room 204
Tutorial 1

Vaibhav Bajpai  and Nikolay Melnikov, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Large‐Scale Measurement Platforms

13.00-14.30 Lunch

(16.30: Coffee break)
C3 Room 204
Tutorial 2

Steven Latré and Jeroen Famaey, Ghent University, Belgium
Hands-on tutorial for the Virtual Wall Infrastructure

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

C3 Hall

(11.00: Coffee break)
C3 Room 204
Tutorial 3

David Hausheer, Technische Universität Darmstad, Germany
EmanicsLab: A European Research Network tailored to Network and Service Management


Location: UPC Campus Nord, Module B3, room Multimedia 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

14.00-14.30 B3 Hall  Registration

14.30-15.00 Opening session

15.00-16.30 Technical session 1:  Traffic engineering and Quality-of-Service

Vitor Pereira (University of Minho), Miguel Rocha (University of Minho), Paulo Cortez (Univ. Minho), Miguel Rio (University College London), Pedro Sousa (University of Minho)
A Framework for Robust Traffic Engineering using Evolutionary Computation

Jeroen Famaey (Ghent University - iMinds), Steven Latré (Ghent University - iMinds), Ray van Brandenburg (TNO), M. Oskar van Deventer (TNO), Filip De Turck (Ghent University - iMinds)
On the Impact of Redirection on HTTP Adaptive Streaming Services in Federated CDNs

Jens Devloo (Ghent University), Nils Lamoot (Ghent University), Jelle van Campen (Ghent University), Evi Weymaere (Ghent University), Steven Latré (Ghent University - iMinds), Jeroen Famaey (Ghent University - iMinds), Ray Van Brandenburg (TNO), Filip De Turck (Ghent University - iMinds)
Design and Evaluation of Tile Selection Algorithms for Tiled HTTP Adaptive Streaming

16.30-17.00 Coffee break

17.00-18.30 Ph.D. session 1: Monitoring and Modelling

Anthéa Mayzaud (Inria/University of Lorraine), Rémi Badonnel (INRIA - TELECOM Nancy - University of Lorraine), Isabelle Chrisment (LORIA - University of Nancy 1) Monitoring and Security for the Internet of Things

Vaibhav Bajpai (Jacobs University Bremen), Jürgen Schönwälder (Jacobs University Bremen)
Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms

Patrick Poullie (University of Zurich), Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
Fair Allocation of Multiple Resources using a Non-monetary Allocation Mechanism

B5-B6 terrace
Welcome reception

Thursday June 27, 2013

B3 Hall 

10.00-11.00 Keynote:

Management and Monitoring Challenges in Content-centric Networking

Bertrand Mathieu, Orange Labs, France

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-13.00 Technical session 2:  Security Management

Jessica Steinberger (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt), Lisa Schehlmann (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt), Sebastian Abt (Hochschule Darmstadt), Harald Baier (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt)
Anomaly Detection and Mitigation at Internet Scale: A Survey

Franka Schuster (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus), Andreas Paul (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus), Hartmut König (University of Cottbus)
Towards Learning Normality for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Networks

Michal Kováčik (Brno University of Technology), Michal Kajan (Brno University of Technology), Martin Žádnik (Brno University of Technology)
Detecting IP Spoofing by Modelling History of IP Address Entry Points

13.00-14:30 Lunch

15.30-20.00 Social activity
20.00-22.30 Conference dinner

Friday June 28, 2013

B3 Hall 

10.00-11.00 Technical session 3: Autonomous Management

Christopher Bailey (University of Kent), David W. Chadwick (University of Kent), Rogério de Lemos (University of Kent), Kristy W. S. Siu (University of Kent)
Enabling the Autonomic Management of Federated Identity Providers

Siri Fagernes (Oslo University and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences), Alva Couch (Tufts University)
On the Effects of Omitting Information Exchange between
Autonomous Resource Management Agents

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-13.00 Technical session 4: Monitoring Mechanisms

Wendy Ellens (TNO), Piotr Żuraniewski (TNO), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente), Harm Schotanus (TNO), Michel Mandjes (University of Amsterdam), Erik Meeuwissen (TNO)
Flow-based Detection of DNS Tunnels

Oleksiy Mazhelis (University of Jyväskylä), Martin Waldburger (University of Zurich), Guilherme S. Machado (University of Zurich), Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich), Pasi Tyrväinen (University of Jyväskylä)
Retrieving Monitoring and Accounting Information from Constrained Devices in Internet-of-Things Applications

Sebastian Abt (Hochschule Darmstadt), Christian Dietz (Hochschule Darmstadt), Harald Baier (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt), Slobodan Petrović (Gjovik University College)
Passive Remote Source NAT Detection using Behaviour Statistics Derived from NetFlow

13.00-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.30 Ph.D. session 2: Content Distribution and Multimedia

Björn Richerzhagen (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Ralf Steinmetz (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Towards an Adaptive Publish/Subscribe Approach Supporting Transitions

Matthias Wichtlhuber (Technische Universität Darmstadt), David Hausheer (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Towards a Mobility-supporting Incentive Scheme for Peer-to-peer Content Distribution

César Bernardini (INRIA LORIA / Université de Lorraine), Thomas Silverston (Université de Lorraine), Olivier Festor (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est)
Cache Management Strategy for CCN based on Content Popularity

Niels Bouten (iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University), Steven Latré (Ghent University - iMinds), Filip De Turck (Ghent University - iMinds)
QoE-centric Management of Multimedia Networks through Cooperative Control Loops

16.30-17.00 Closing session