
9th International Conference on

Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security

(AIMS 2015)

June 22-25, 2015, University of Ghent, Belgium


Current Trends in Network Research and Advice for Young Researchers

Piet Demeester, IBCN, Ghent University, iMinds, Belgium

Date: Tuesday June 23 2015, 09:00 - 10:00
Location: Zaal Rector Vermeylen (2nd floor)

Abstract Based on his 30 year of experience in research, this talk will provide a viewpoint on current and important challenges in network-related research. Addressed topics will include wireless networks, Internet-of-Things, Software-defined Networks (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV): the current status and future perspectives will be addressed. In addition, the importance of Future Internet Research Infrastructures will be stressed and examples will be given of current experimental research facilities.

Furthermore, based on extensive research experience, advice will be provided for young researchers, who want to pursue either an academic career or a career in industry.

Management of Big Data - The Areas of Conflict: Data Volume, Analysis Methods, and Protection

Burkhard Stiller, Communication Systems Group CSG@IfI, University of Zürich, Switzerland

Date: Wednesday June 24 2015, 09:00 - 10:00
Location: Zaal Rector Vermeylen (2nd floor)

Abstract In the past decades Information and Communication Technology (ICT) did not only change radically interaction patterns between humans and machines, ICT did more recently enable the support of such enormous Big Data sourcing, especially in terms of volumes transferred, distribution across various distances, and remote correlations of distinct data sets. To an undreamt scale, numbers, facts, and data streams (a) put the challenge onto existing storage architectures, (b) push well-known analysis and data mining methods to and beyond their limits, and (c) result in a major worry to data protection demands. However, without the knowledge of a suitable theory or even a very basic insight into fundamental and coherent relationships of such data, data patterns and data correlations will remain purely random.

Thus, this keynote will introduce and partially define the term “Big Data”, it will discuss the embedding of Big Data into today’s society, and will work out key details of the Big Data management dimension, driven by selected examples, which face a diversity of opportunities and risks.

Due to the fact that traditional and technical constraints of ICT are today oversteered by emerging economic and security-related perspectives, large data sets - by now commonly termed as Big Data - outline a broad set of challenges in terms of (a) the identity protection of the individual or selected single data items, (b) the statistical validity of analysis methods, and (c) the raise and effect of initially unknown or unintended meta data becoming part of a new analysis. All approaches technically doable today may be ethically questionable, although legally justifiable, since suitable privacy laws are not in place yet. Finally, by taking a look into the future, a picture is crafted carefully consisting of current trends and visions, which offer opportunities for the development of new big data management mechanisms.