
8th International Conference on

Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security

(AIMS 2014)

June 30 - July 3, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic

AIMS 2014 Program

The electronic version of the AIMS 2014 program can be downloaded here.


The AIMS 2014 proceedings are now available on-line for Springer registered members at LNCS Vol. 8508.

Monday, June 30, 2014

8:30 Registration

9:00 Opening session

Pavel Čeleda - opening talk
Anna Sperotto - opening talk

9:30 Technical session 1: Emerging Infrastructures for Networks and Services

Trade-off-based Adoption Methodology for Cloud-based Infrastructures and Services
Radhika Garg (University of Zurich - Switzerland), Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich - Switzerland)
[ slides ]

ESPRESSO: An Encryption as a Service for Cloud Storage Systems
Seungmin Kang (National University of Singapore - Singapore), Bharadwaj Veeravalli (National University of Singapore - Singapore), Khin Mi Mi Aung (Data Storage Institute, ASTAR – Singapore)
[ slides ]

Adaptative CUSUM Algorithm to Detect Malicious Behaviors in Wireless Mesh Networks
Juliette Dromard (Université de Technologie de Troyes - France), Rida Khatoun (Telecom ParisTech - France), Lyes Khoukhi (University of Technology of Troyes – France)
[ slides ]

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Ph.D. session 1: Management of Virtualized Network Resources and Functions

Efficient Management of Virtualized Information-Centric Networks
Maxim Claeys (Ghent University - iMinds - Belgium), Steven Latré (University of Antwerp - iMinds - Belgium), Filip De Turck (Ghent University - iMinds – Belgium)
[ slides ]

Contributions to Efficient Resource Management in Virtual Networks
Rashid Mijumbi (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Spain), Juan Luis Gorricho (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Spain), Joan Serrat (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Spain)
[ slides ]

Management and Orchestration of Virtualized Network Functions
Elisa Maini (University of Naples Federico II, Naples - Italy), Antonio Manzalini (Telecom Italia - Italy)
[ slides ]

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Ph.D. session 2: Security Management

Towards Incentivizing ISPs To Mitigate Botnets
Qasim Lone (Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands), Giovane Moura (Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands), Michel van Eeten (Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands)
[ slides ]

Enhancing Network Security: Host Trustworthiness Estimation
Tomas Jirsik (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Pavel Celeda (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
[ slides ]

Outsourcing Mobile Security in the Cloud
Gaëtan Hurel (INRIA Nancy Grand Est - France), Remi Badonnel (INRIA - TELECOM Nancy - University of Lorraine - France), Abdelkader Lahmadi (Nancy University - France), Olivier Festor (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est – France)
[ slides ]

Characterizing and Mitigating The DDoS-as-a-Service Phenomenon
José Jair Santanna (University of Twente - The Netherlands), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente - The Netherlands)
[ slides ]

15:30 Coffee break and Poster session

POSTER: Self-healing Mechanisms for Software Defined Networks
Jose Manuel Sanchez Vilchez (Orange Labs - France), Imen Grida Ben Yahia (Orange Labs - France), Noël Crespi (Telecom Sud Paris - France)
[ abstract, poster ]

POSTER: Dragging Attackers to Honeypots for Effective Analysis of Cybernetic Threats
Martin Husak (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Jan Vykopal (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
[ abstract, poster ]

POSTER: Performance Management in Application-controlled Software Defined Networks
Jeremias Blendin (TU Darmstadt - Germany), David Hausheer (TU Darmstadt - Germany)
[ abstract, poster ]

16:15 Educational session

Where to Publish?
Aiko Pras, University of Twente, The Netherlands
[ slides ]

19:00 Welcome reception

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

8:30 Registration

9:00 Lab 1

Fast Network Simulation Setup
Lorenzo Saino, University College London, United Kingdom
[ slides ]

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Lab 1 (cont.)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Technical session 2: Experimental Studies for Security Management

Characterisation of the Kelihos.B Botnet
Max Kerkers (University of Twente - The Netherlands), José Jair Santanna (University of Twente - The Netherlands), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente - The Netherlands)
[ slides ]

A Study of RPL DODAG Version Attacks
Anthéa Mayzaud (Inria/University of Lorraine - France), Anuj Sehgal (Jacobs University Bremen - Germany), Remi Badonnel (INRIA - TELECOM Nancy - University of Lorraine - France), Isabelle Chrisment (TELECOM Nancy - Université de Lorraine - France), Juergen Schoenwaelder (Jacobs University Bremen – Germany)
[ slides ]

Toward a Source Detection of Botclouds: a PCA-based Approach
Hammi Badis (Université de de technologie de TROYES - France), Guillaume Doyen (UTT - France), Rida Khatoun (Telecom ParisTech – France)
[ slides ]

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Keynote session

Modern Security Analytics: Finding a Needle in the Hay Blower
Martin Rehak, principal engineer with Cisco Systems, lecturer at Czech Technical University
[ slides ]

17:00 Ph.D. session 3: SDN and Content Delivery

Software Defined Networking to Improve Mobility Management Performance
Morteza Karimzadeh (University of Twente - The Netherlands), Anna Sperotto (University of Twente - The Netherlands), Aiko Pras (University of Twente - The Netherlands)
[ slides ]

Future of DDoS Attacks Mitigation in Software Defined Networks
Martin Vizváry (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Jan Vykopal (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
[ slides ]

Towards Decentralized, Energy- and Privacy-aware Device-to-Device Content Delivery
Leonhard Nobach (TU Darmstadt - Germany), David Hausheer (TU Darmstadt – Germany)
[ slides ]

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

8:30 Registration

9:00 Lab 2

Deploying OpenFlow experiments on the Virtual Wall testbed
Niels Bouten, Ghent University, Belgium, Maxim Claeys, Ghent University, Belgium, Jeroen Famaey, Ghent University, Belgium
[ slides ]

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Lab 2 (cont.)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Social activity

20:00 Conference dinner

Thursday, July 3, 2014

8:30 Registration

9:00 Lab 3

Cybernetic Proving Ground: a Cloud-based Security Research Testbed
Jakub Cegan, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Martin Vizvary, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Michal Prochazka, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
[ introduction slides ] [ game slides ]

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Lab 3 (cont.)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Technical session 3: Monitoring Methods for Quality-of-Service and Security

Goal-Oriented Monitoring Adaptation: Methodology and Patterns
Antoine Toueir (University of Paul Sabatier - France), Julien Broisin (Université Paul Sabatier - France), Michelle Sibilla (Paul Sabatier university - France)
[ slides ]

Detection of Network Flow Timestamp Reliability
Martin Zadnik (CESNET - Czech Republic), Erik Sabik (CESNET - Czech Republic), Vaclav Bartos (CESNET - Czech Republic)
[ slides ]

Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection by Correlation of Modularly Hashed Sketches
Martin Drasar (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Tomas Jirsik (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Martin Vizváry (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
[ slides ]

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Ph.D. session 4: Monitoring and Information Sharing

Next Generation Application-Aware Flow Monitoring
Petr Velan (Masaryk University - Czech Republic), Pavel Celeda (Masaryk University - Czech Republic)
[ slides ]

A Modular Architecture for Deploying Self-adaptive Traffic Sampling
Joao Marco Silva (Universidade do Minho - Portugal), Paulo Carvalho (University of Minho - Portugal), Solange Rito Lima (University of Minho – Portugal)
[ slides ]

Cross-layer Optimization with Real-time Adaptive Dynamic Spectrum Management for Fourth Generation Broadband Access Networks
Jeremy Van den Eynde (University of Antwerp - Belgium), Chris Blondia (University of Antwerp – Belgium)
[ slides ]

17:00 Closing session

Looking forward to see you at AIMS 2015, Ghent, Belgium.
[ Invitation slide to AIMS 2015 ]